Wednesday, April 20, 2011


I wanted to make my last post reflect what we have recently seen in Chapter 15. Our notes say that Microsoft has been described as having an aggressive culture. From everything I have read and studied about Microsoft this semester, I see them as a people-oriented culture. They very much focus on making their employees happy. Flexible hours and being able to work outside of the office please many workers by giving them a great balance between their job and their family life. They also offer many facilities within their offices like a place to workout, a  place to play games, or a place to get any office supply you could possibly want! Diversity is another value Microsoft focuses on. Diversity encourages employees to be more creative and get along with different types of people that they may not have previously been used to.
When Microsoft produces employees that are happy at work, they are more likely to produce employees that are happy TO work. These employees are enthusiastic about coming in ever day and doing what needs to be done in order to make Microsoft the best it can be. The more they build up the company, the better their job will be. This also makes Microsoft extremely stable. As long as things keep moving forward, Microsoft will be here for years and years to come.
Alivia Lindbeck

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