Monday, February 7, 2011

Microsoft's Perks for Employees

Hey it's Katelyn from Team 4.  I wanted to share this with you guys! I saw this video on You Tube that showed all the perks that goes on at Microsoft for its employees.
I think that it fully represents how happy employees of Microsoft are, and how free and creative they feel.  I think that Microsoft does a great job of making their employees happy to create a calm, and happy work environment.  This video definitely makes me want to work for Microsoft! The guy in the video seemed very happy, and although it didn't show him working much, and just showed all the perks they have to offer. We all know that Microsoft is a very successful company and with all the perks they have, they must be doing something right. 

It is important for companies (now more than ever) to please their employees in order to make for a stress-free work environment and allow their creative juices to flow.  This is beneficial for all stakeholders, as it allows for the company to be its best: financially, socially, and environmentally.  For Microsoft Leaders, they are doing an exceptional job of making the Microsoft Organization a happy and healthy place to work.

Well, fellow followers, that is all for now.  I hope this posting makes you realize what great things are happening at Microsoft!

-Katelyn Fisher

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