Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Motivational Strategies of Microsoft

Hey followers!

I just found an article about employee empowerment at Microsoft, and wanted to share it with you:


This article talks all about how much Microsoft Corporation need its employees, and what they do to empower and motivate them.  Microsoft is a company well known for its innovation in software and technology. But what most people don't know is that Microsoft is also a company that has remarkable employee empowerment. It also says that Microsoft realizes that without its employees they are nothing and that to keep these employees within the company, executives are thinking up new ideas to have the employees be valued.  Microsoft values their employees so much that they trust the recruitment of new employees to current employees. That is empowerment at its finest if I do say so myself. Letting employees know that the top management at Microsoft trust their employees to bring the best of the best to the company and shape the future of the company is a big responsibility and Microsoft does this without another thought. 

Microsoft is a company with a lot of trust they put into their employees to make them feel needed, and it's really simple.  A simple idea that creates one of the top companies in the world the best place to work for.  This whole article is eye-opening and shows how easy making employees feel empowered is, and that the little things make a huge difference here.  This makes Microsoft a precedent and a leader in the industry, and shows companies around the world what needs to be done to make a great company.  Sure, there are a lot of profitable companies that have great products, but Microsoft has it all; great products, very profitable, and happy employees.  More companies need to take this more seriously. 

I definitely want to work for a company like this! It would make me feel important and happy to go to work everyday!

I hope you found this article intresting.  Have a great day!

Katelyn Fisher


  1. I think this article goes along with the this group's previous blog. Microsoft is making an effort to correct their faults. I agree that relying on employees for recruiting is a big sense of empowerment for them, but it's not necessarily a good thing. The other day in MQM323 we talked about how recruiting by word-of-mouth could lead to unintentional consequences. The idea is that people have the tendency to associate themselves with others who have similar qualities. Adding friends or acquaintances can lead to a "laxed" work environment. Productivity is an area that could suffer because of the closer relationship between employees. However, it's good for Microsoft in the sense that they have the opportunity to add valuable employees to an already dedicated core group. Motivated employees are likely to make decisions that benefit the company. If successful, the company will have a closer relationship with their employees while employees become closer to their co-workers. It's good to see Microsoft employees being more satisfied with their jobs than in previous years. Maybe that's why Microsoft is finally producing decent products? Just sayin!

    Sunny Shah

  2. Great insight! Yes, I do agree that sometimes people may take advntage of the system and invite their friends to work there and become less productive. However, I feel that Microsoft is doing such a great job motivating their workers in other ways that it is actually a good thing. I like your thinking!


  3. I really enjoyed this article because it talked a lot about how Microsoft puts a lot of trust into its employees. I agree that without employees willing to contribute then the company would falter. I think that my putting trust into current employees to help train new employees says a lot because it means management thinks that the employees are doing a good job. I feel that by giving the employees the chance to handle the job the way they want lets employees feel a sense of achievement and they are able to work stress free. The closer that employees work with one another can also have an effect on how well the company will work. Sometimes, by giving employees more power to do what they want can hurt the company and cause them to not work as hard. Since they would be working under their own conditions. Although, Microsoft seems to know what they are doing and have been successful doing it for years!

    -Brian Cullum team 7

  4. you can also check it @

